Safety First: Mastering the Art of Using AR500 Steel Targets
Safety First: Mastering the Art of Using AR500 Steel Targets

Safety First: Mastering the Art of Using AR500 Steel Targets

Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or just starting out, one thing holds true: safety should always be your top priority. When it comes to using AR500 steel targets, understanding and adhering to safety best practices is crucial for a secure and enjoyable shooting experience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the key aspects of setting up and using AR500 steel targets safely.

Proper Target Placement:

Choosing the right location to set up your AR500 steel targets plays a vital role in ensuring safety. Follow these guidelines:

1. Safe Backdrop: Always place your targets against a safe backdrop, such as a solid earthen mound or a bulletproof barrier. This prevents any stray bullets from traveling beyond the intended shooting area.

2. No Hard Surfaces: Avoid setting up targets on hard surfaces like rocks or concrete, as ricochets can pose a danger. Soft surfaces like dirt or sand are better options.

3. Clear Line of Sight: Ensure a clear and unobstructed line of sight between the shooting position and the target. This prevents any accidental hits on objects not meant to be targeted.

Shooting Distances:

Maintaining the appropriate shooting distances is crucial for your safety as well as the longevity of your AR500 steel targets:

1. Minimum Distance: Always adhere to the minimum safe shooting distance recommended by the target manufacturer. This prevents projectiles from hitting the target at excessive velocities that could compromise their integrity.

2. Avoid Close Range: Shooting at very close distances can cause premature wear and damage to the target due to the intense impact. Stay within the recommended distance range for optimal performance and safety.

Safety First: Mastering the Art of Using AR500 Steel Targets

Angle Considerations:

The angle at which you shoot at the target can affect safety and target longevity:

1. Downward Angle: Avoid shooting directly down onto the target, as this can cause splatter to bounce back towards the shooter. Instead, aim for a slight upward angle to minimize splatter.

2. Side Angles: Shooting from extreme side angles can also cause ricochets. Aim to shoot at the target’s center and avoid extreme angles that could send bullets off unpredictably.

Safety Gear:

Wearing the right safety gear not only protects you but also enhances your shooting experience:

1. Eye Protection: Always wear certified impact-resistant shooting glasses to shield your eyes from debris and potential ricochets.

2. Ear Protection: Protect your hearing with earmuffs or earplugs. Shooting can be loud, and prolonged exposure to gunfire can lead to permanent hearing damage.

3. Appropriate Attire: Opt for clothing that covers your body to minimize the risk of hot brass coming into contact with your skin.


When it comes to using AR500 steel targets, a commitment to safety is non-negotiable. Following proper target placement, shooting distances, angle considerations, and wearing the right safety gear ensures that your shooting practice remains both enjoyable and risk-free. By adhering to these best practices, you’re not only safeguarding yourself but also prolonging the lifespan of your AR500 steel targets.

Remember, responsible shooting is a shared responsibility. Let’s all do our part to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone on the shooting range.

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