ar500 steel-targets

Shooting Tips for Better Accuracy

Whether you’re trying to tighten up your shot for competition or defense, or both, it’s a learning process every step of the way. Beginners and advanced marksmen can become more accurate by following these 5 shooting tips. Know your rifle Mastering your firearm of choice is the [...]

What is a Reactive Target?

Reactive Targets Reactive Targets provide instant feedback and discipline the shooter to keep their sights on the target in preparation for follow-up shots.  Many military and law enforcement ranges use reactive steel targets for firearms training.  Designs that utilize a torso shape front plate are commonly referred [...]

Is Target Shooting A Hobby or A Necessity

Is Target Shooting A Hobby or A Necessity What shooting a gun means for one person, means something entirely different for the next. Carrying, owning and shooting firearms have a rich history not only the U.S., but pre-dating our country and tracing all the way back to [...]

Guideline for Shooting Targets on Public Lands

Guideline for Shooting Targets on Public Lands Some states allow the public to shoot steel targets on public lands. Before shooters head out to their nearby public land management areas, it is important to check each states’ rules and regulations. Generally, areas that are open for shooting [...]

Improve Hunting Skills With Metal Spinning Targets

With hunting season almost in full swing, it is important that hunters begin focusing to improve their hunting skills. To help aid hunters, AR500 Steel Targets has put together a brief list that will help increase and elevate hunting skills. Focus – It is important to focus [...]

10 Things to Avoid Doing at a Shooting Range

10 Things to Avoid Doing at a Shooting Range Shooting can be a fun hobby and a thrilling recreational experience, but a firearm in the hands of a negligent, disrespectful, or untrained person can be dangerous. Practicing your shooting technique at a firing range is essential to [...]

Shooting with One Eye Open or Two, Which is More Effective?

Shooting with One Eye Open or Two, Which is More Effective? If you’ve ever shot a gun before, you likely started out the way most people do – closing one eye to aim while looking towards your target. However, some experienced gun owners prefer to shoot with [...]

Firearm Words of Wisdom from Law Enforcement

Firearm Words of Wisdom from Law Enforcement While many of us own firearms for collection or more recreational purposes, there are those individuals who use them as part of their employment. For law enforcement and security personnel, firearms are part of their uniform. Handling these objects on [...]

Target Shooting Tips: What Affects Rifle Accuracy

Target Shooting Tips: What Affects Rifle Accuracy Sometimes shooting accuracy is not a direct result of the shooter, but the weapon of choice. Rifle accuracy depends on several different influences, including the gun’s capabilities and outside influences, as well as consistency. To help boost these factors, AR500 [...]

Choosing the Right Targets for Practice Shooting

Choosing the Right Targets for Practice Shooting Regardless of whether you’re a rifle, handgun or shotgun shooter, practicing by shooting at targets on a regular basis is the key to improving your accuracy and honing your marksmanship skills. The types of targets that will provide you with [...]
